영어회화/실황2010. 12. 22. 01:19

1. Script

A : How much is the fare?

B : It's dollar and fifty cents.
A : I'm going to Grand Park. Can you tell me when to get off(?)
B : Oh! I'm afraid this bus doesn't stop at Grand Park.

A : Really? Could I stop here? I got on the wrong bus.

B : Watch your step.

A : Can I take the transfer ticket?

B : Here, take it.

2. Vocabulary

 - fare : 요금

 - valid : 유효한

 - rear door = back door

 - transfer : 옮기다, 갈아다타, 환승하다

'영어회화 > 실황' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 정웅구