1. Script
A : I'm looking for a digital camera. Can you recommaend a few?
B : Sure. I'll show you some.
A : Which one is the most popular?
B : I think this is the one you're looking for.
A : Can I see another one in a different color?
B : Sure, we have it in black and red.
A : How long is the warranty?
B : This one offers a one-year warranty.
B : Sure. I'll show you some.
A : Which one is the most popular?
B : I think this is the one you're looking for.
A : Can I see another one in a different color?
B : Sure, we have it in black and red.
A : How long is the warranty?
B : This one offers a one-year warranty.
2. Vocabulary
- recommend : 추천하다
cf). commend : 칭찬하다
command : 명령하다
- help + O + 동사원형 : O가 동사원형하는데 도움을 주다.
cf). 사역동사들 : let, make have => 사역동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형의 형태를 가지며 '목적어가 ~하도록 하다.'로 해석.
준사역동사 : help, get => 사역동사와 비슷한 문법형태로 쓰임.
- popular : 인기있는
cf). ⓝ. popularity : 인기
- durable : 내구성 있는, 오래가는
cf). ⓝ. durability : 내구성
- warranty : 품질 보증서, 품질 보증기간
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