1. anecdote => an(not : 아니다) + ec(ex : 밖으로) + dot(give : 주다) + e => 밖으로 알려지지 않은 이야기 => 일화
syn) tale, story, report, vignette, thumbnail, sketch
donor 기부자 | donate 기부하다(=endow) | |
condone 너그러이 봐주다 | pardon 용서, 사면하다 | general pardon = condone |
endow (자질을)타고나다, 기부하다 | endowment 기부, 재능 | |
dowry / dower 지참금 | dowager 기품있는 노부인 | |
dose (1회)복용량 | dosage 투약, 복용량 | antidose 해독제, 교정수단 |
edition (간행된 서적의) 판 | edit 편집하다 | editor 편집자 |
anecdote 일화 | ||
perdition 완전한 파멸, 멸망 | render 번역, 연출, 연주하다 | |
rendition 번역, 연출, 연주 | traditional 전통적인 | |
tradition 전통 |
For example
Much to mother's approbation, Grandfather would tell us stories about his life each evening in front of the fireplace. The topic of his anecdotes ranged from his days as a soldier to his life as a fisherman.
- Much to = Thanks to
- approbation 허가, 인가
- range from A to B~ A에서 B까지 걸쳐서~
2. anonymous => an(not : 없다) + onym(name : 이름) + ous => 이름이 없는 => 익명의
pseudonym 작가의 가명 | acronym 약성어 | synonym 동의어 | antonym 반의어 |
For example
The informant wishes to remain anonymous, so court documents refer to her only as Jane Doe. To further keep her identity secret, she will sit behind a curtain while giving testimony.
- informant 제보자, 밀고자, 통지자
- refer to A as B~ A를 B라고 칭하다
- Jane Doe 소송에서 쓰이는 여성의 가상명칭
- testimony 증언
3. abyss => a(not : 없다) + bys(end : 끝) + s => 끝이 없는 => 심연, 나락
For example
Their difference on the issue has deepened and the two parties are now worlds apart. The abyss is unlikely to be bridged anytime soon.
- deepen 깊어지다
- party 관계자, 당사자
- worlds apart 너무나 떨어져 있는
- bridge 메우다, 다리를 놓다
4. anarchy => an(not : 없다) + arch(government : 정부) + y => 정부가 없다 => 무정부주의, 혼란, 무질서
hierarchy 계급사회 | monarchy 군주제 | patriarchy 가부장제 |
For example
The roaring fire quickly spread to the auditorium. Out of fear, the crowd lost all control and like wild animals trapped in a forest fire, chaotically fought to get out the only door. In the anarchy two people died.
- roaring 노호하는, 크게 번성하는
- spread 퍼지다
- auditorium 강당
- lose control 자제력을 잃다
- trap ~을 덫에 걸리게 하다
- chaotically 무질서하게
5. apathy => a(not : 없다) + path(feel : 느끼다) + y => 감정을 느끼지 못하다 => 무관심
syn) indifference, unconcern, impassivity, insensitivity, coldness, numbness, torpor
antipathy 반감 | antipathetic 반감을 품은 | |
apathy 냉담, 무관심 | apathetic 냉담한 | |
empathy 감정이입, 공감 | ||
sympathy 공감, 동정 | sympathetic 연민을 품은 | sympathize 동정, 공감하다 |
telepathy 이심전심 | homeopathy 동종요법 | homeopath 동종요법 의사 |
psychopath 정신병자 | psychopathic 정신병에 걸린 | pathology 병리학 |
pathos 측은한 느낌 | pathetic 감상적인 | compatible 호환가능한 |
For example
Carl's boss fired him for not showing interest in his job. He was doing things half-heartedly and customers were complaining about his apathy.
- do things half-heartedly 일을 건성으로 하다
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