1. Script
2. Vocabulary
- mind + ~ing : ~하는 것을 꺼리다, 언짢아 하다
- full-length : 전신이 다보이는, 무삭제의
- vertical : 수직의, 세로의(↔horizontal : 수평의)
- half-length : 반신의
- be familar with~ : ~에 익숙한, 친숙한
- stay still : 가만히 있어
- develop : 발달하다(시키다), 개발하다, 현상하다
1. Script
A : Excuse me, but would you mind taking a picture for us?
B : No, not at all. Do you want a full-length photograph?
A : No. Just half-length, with the background, please.
B : How does this camera work?
A : It has automatic focus. Just press the button. That's all.
B : All right! Everyone, say "Cheese!"
A : Thank you. And do you know a place to develop these pictures nearby?
B : There's a photo processing lab in the drug store.
B : No, not at all. Do you want a full-length photograph?
A : No. Just half-length, with the background, please.
B : How does this camera work?
A : It has automatic focus. Just press the button. That's all.
B : All right! Everyone, say "Cheese!"
A : Thank you. And do you know a place to develop these pictures nearby?
B : There's a photo processing lab in the drug store.
2. Vocabulary
- mind + ~ing : ~하는 것을 꺼리다, 언짢아 하다
- full-length : 전신이 다보이는, 무삭제의
- vertical : 수직의, 세로의(↔horizontal : 수평의)
- half-length : 반신의
- be familar with~ : ~에 익숙한, 친숙한
- stay still : 가만히 있어
- develop : 발달하다(시키다), 개발하다, 현상하다
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