영어회화/실황2010. 12. 29. 11:58

1. Script

A : Excuse me. Where can I exchange some foreign currency?

B : Try the mall. You'll see a foreign exchange counter there.


A : What's the exchange rate today for the Korean won against the US dollars?

B : The exchange rate today is 1,000 won to the dollar.

A : Here's some Korean won. Could you change these to small bills?

B : Okay, let's see what I have.

A : What's the transaction fee?

B : There's a two percent service charge.

2. Vocabulary

 - exchange : 교환하다

 - foreigh currency :  외화

 - traveler's check : 여행자 수표

 - exchange rate : 외환 시세, 환율

 - quote : 인용하다, 전달하다 / (주식, 금값, 외화의) 시세를 말하다.[매기다]

 - bill : 청구서, 계산서 / (새의) 부리 / 10달러짜리 지폐

 - transaction fee : 거래 수수료

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