1. assailant => as(to : ~로) + sail(leap : 펄쩍 뛰다) + ant => ~로 펄쩍뛰는 사람 => 공격자
(syn) attacker, assaulter, muggeer, aggressor, molester
assail/assault 공격하다 | assailant 공격자 | sally 출격하다, 출격 |
consult ~와 의논하다 | consultant 상담원 | consultation 상담 |
exult 매우 기뻐하다 | exultation 환희 | exultant 의기양양한 |
insult 모욕하다 | exile 추방하다 | result 끝나다 |
For example
If you propose eliminating scholarships for black students, you had better be prepared to come under attack. Your First assailant will be me!
- eliminate : 고려하지 않다, 제거하다
- scholarship : 장학금
- had better + R~ : ~하는 편이 낫다
2. avenge => a(to : ~를) + veng( to punish : 벌하다) + e => ~를 벌하다 => 보복하다
(syn) punish, revenge, retailiate, repay, get even, get back at
avenge/revenge 보복하다 | revengeful 원한을 품은 | vengeance 보복 |
For example
Getting even with someone who has done you a wrong can sometimes lead to a vicious cycle of retaliations, with each person forever trying to avenge the other.
- vicious cycle : 악순환
3. accelerate => ac(to : 부과) + cel(swift : 빠른) + erate => 더 빨리 하다 => 가속하다
(syn) hasten, hurry, speed, quicken, expedite, step up, rush, precipitate, spur, prod
(ant) slow dpwm. retard, slacken, relax, decelerate, delay
(ant) slow dpwm. retard, slacken, relax, decelerate, delay
accelerate 가속하다 | acceleration 가속 | accelerator 가속기(=gas pedal) |
decelerate 감속하다 | deceleration 감속 | |
excel ~보다 우월하다 | excellence 탁월,우수 | celerity 신속, 민첩 |
For example
Opening of the park was scheduled for next summer, but Mayor Inders has ordered the construction crew to pick up the pace so that it can ready by this fall. The reason for the accelerated completion is not exactly abstruse : city elections are the November!
- be sceduled for~ : ~로 예정되어 있다.
- not exactly : (반드시, 꼭) 그렇지는 않다, (반어적) 전혀~않다
- abstruse : 심오한, 난해한
4. adequate => ad(to : 부과) + equ(same : 같은) + ate => 같은 것을 더 넣어주다 => 충분한; 적당한
(syn) sufficient, suitable, ample, satisfactory, proportionate, commensurate
(in)adequate (불)충분한 | adequacy 충분함, 타당성 | |
(un)equal 동등한 | equalitarian 평등주의자 | (in)equality (불)평등 |
equable 균등한 | (in)equitable (불)공평한, 공정한 | |
(in)equity 공평, 주식(=stock) | iniquity 극악 | iniquitous 몹시 사악한 |
(un)equivocal 애매한 | equivocate 얼버무리다 | equivocation 모호한 말투 |
equivalent ~에 상당하는, 등가의 | equivalence/equivalency 등가 | |
equator 적도 | equatorial 적도의 | equidistant 등거리의 |
equinox 춘분(추분) | equation 방정식(등식 | equilibrium 평행상태 |
equate 같다고 생각하다(같게 하다) |
For example
This is only a three day trip, so one suitcase will be more than adequate. If any student thinks one bag is not good enough to hold his apparel, then he is probably bringing too much.
5. adjacent => ad(to : 근접, 가까이에) + jac(throw : 던지다) + ent => 가까이에 던져진 => 인접한
abject 비참한 | adjacent 인접한 | |
conjecture 추측하다(=guess) | ||
deject 낙담시키다 | dejection 낙담 | |
eject 추방, 방출하다 | ejection 방출 | ejaculate 별안간 짧게 말하다 |
inject 주입하다 | injection 주사, 주입 | |
interject (중간에) 불쑥 끼어들다 | ||
project 계획, 입안, 발사하다 | projectile 투사물, 발사하는 | |
reject 거절하다 | ||
subject 복종시키다, 주제 | subjective 주관적인 | objective 객관적인 |
jettison 투하하다 |
For example
A man in an adjoining room thought he heard gunshots and got up to check. He found someone had blown open the safe in the adjacent office and absconded with the company's payroll.
- gunshout : 사격, 총성
- abscond with + sth~ : 도망가다(=flee)
- payroll : 임금대장
'영어공부 > Vocabulary' 카테고리의 다른 글
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