1. advocate => ad(to : ~로) + voc(call : 부르다) + ate => ~에 대해 의견이 맞다고 외치다 => 옹호하다, 주장하다
(syn) acclaim
convoke 회의를 소집하다 | convocation 소집 | |
evoke (기억 따위를) 불러내다 | evocative / evocation | |
invoke (법 등에) 호소하다 | invocation 호소, 간청 | |
provoke 도발시키다 | provocative / provocation | |
revoke 철회, 취소시키다 | (ir)revocable 취소 (불)가능한 | cf). abrogate 패지하다 |
(dis)avow 인정하다(부인하다) | (a)vouch 확언, 보증하다 | voucher 영수증, 상품권 |
avocation 부업 | vocation 천직(=calling) | advocate 지지자, 옹호하다 |
equivocal 애매모호한 | equivocate / equivocation | vowel 모음 |
vociferous 소란한 | vociferate 소란스럽게 떠들다 | invoice 송장, 송장에 기입하다 |
For example
We have to consider the motivation behind their decision to call for lower taxes. Are they really in favor of tax cuts or are they only advocating cuts to please voters?
2. affliction => af(to : ~를) + flict(to strick : 치다) + ion => ~를 치다 => 고통, 고난
(syn) 1. distress, pain, misery, torment, unhappiness, anguish, sorrow, oppression
2. curse, plague, calamity, disaster, misfortune, catastrope, blow, ordeal
(ant) 1. joy, comfort, happiness, elation, well-being
2. blessing, boon, godsend
2. curse, plague, calamity, disaster, misfortune, catastrope, blow, ordeal
(ant) 1. joy, comfort, happiness, elation, well-being
2. blessing, boon, godsend
afflict 괴롭히다 | affliction 고난, 질병 | |
conflict 충돌, 갈등 | conflicting 상반되는 | |
inflicting (타격, 벌을) 가하다 | infliction (가해진) 고통 | profligate 불량한, 방탕한(=prodigal) |
For example
Was Beethoven's deafness an affliction or actually a blessing in disguise? It's true the disorder was the bane of his life, causing him great anguish, but it's also true that it pushed him to create his greatest works.
- disguise : 가장, 위장; 가장(변장)하다, 숨기다
- anguish : (심신의) 고통, 번민
3. alliance => al(to : 가까이에) + li(bind : 연결하다) + ance => 가까이에 연결하다 => 연합, 연맹
(syn) treaty, pact, understanding, agreement, concordat, league, affiliation, merger
alliance 연합 | ally 동맹하다, (군사적) 연합국 | league 연맹 |
liability 책임, 의무, ~하기 쉬움(=responsibility) | liable 책임을 져야 할, ~할 의무가 있는, ~하기 쉬운 | |
obligation 책무 | oblige/obligate 의무 지우다 | obliging 잘 돌봐주는 |
obligatory 의무적인 | ||
liaison 연락 | ligament (뼈의) 인대 | |
rally 집회, 규합하다 | rely 의지하다 | reliance 신뢰 |
reliable 의지가 되는 | religion 종교 |
For example
Following the second world war, western European nations joined together and teamed up with America to form NATO a military alliance.
- team up with~ : ~와 협력(협동)하다
4. available => a(to : ) + vail(worth, strong : 가치있는) + able(~될 수 있는) => =>
(syn) accessible, handy, ready, on hand, in reserve
(ant) tied up, frozen
(ant) tied up, frozen
avail 소용이 되다 | available 이용할 수 있는 | unvailing 무익한 |
evaluate 감정하다 | evaluation 평가 | devaluate 평가절하하다 |
devaluation 평가절하 | revalue 재평가하다 | revaluation 재평가 |
undervalue 과소평가하다 | overvalue 과대평가하다 | |
(in)vaild (무)유효한 | invalidate 무효로 하다 | validity 유효성 |
invaluable 평가할 수 없이 가치로운 | ||
valence 원자가 | valuless 가치없는 | |
[strong] valor 용맹 | valiant 용감한 | invalid 허약한 |
countervail 상쇄하다 | convalesce 건강을 회복하다 | convalescent 회복기 환자 |
prevail 우세하다 | prevailing/prevalent 유행하고 있는 |
For example
In line with your increased duties, we will make two of our office clerks available to you. They will be at your disposal all day. You can use them anytime just by calling the office manager.
- in line with~ : ~에 따라, ~에 순응하여
- make ~ available to~ : ~을 이용할 수 있게 하다, ~을 제공하다
- disposal : 처분, 처리
- at one's disposal : ~의 재량에 있는
- Can I sit here? = Is this seat available?
5. accord => ac(to : 가까이에) + cord(heart : 마음) => 서로의 마음이 가까이에 있다 => 합의
(syn) v. grant, concede, admit, allow, yield, permit
n. harmony, agreement, conformity, accordance, cooperation, unanimity
n. harmony, agreement, conformity, accordance, cooperation, unanimity
accord 일치하다 | accordance 일치 | |
concord 조화, 일치, 화합 | concordance 일치, 용어색인 | concordant 화합하는 |
concordat 협약 | ||
discord 불화 | discordant 일치하지 않는 | |
record 기록 | recording 기록하는 | recorder 녹음기 |
courage 용기 | encourage 용기를 돋우다 | discourage 낙담시키다 |
cordial 진심에서의 | cordiality 성심 | core 핵심 |
For example
Though there are drawbacks to the peace plan, we are of the same opinion that the pluses far outweigh the minuses. With this accord, we announce we have reached settlement.
- drawback : 장애, 결점, 불리한 점(=disadvantage)
- outweigh : ~보다 뛰어나다, ~을 능가하다, ~보다 무겁다
*. encourage + sbdy + toR~
discourage + sbdy + from ~ing
discourage + sbdy + from ~ing
'영어공부 > Vocabulary' 카테고리의 다른 글
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