1. adapt => ad(to : ~에게) + apt(fit : 적당히 맞다) => ~를 환경등에 적당히 맞게 하다 => 적응시키다
syn) alter, adjust, accommodate, acclimate, acclimatize, acculturate, assimilate
adapt 적응시키다 | adaptable 적당한 | adaptation 적응, 개작 |
adept 숙련된 | inapt / inept 서투른 | |
apt 적석이 맞는 | aptitude 적성 | contraption 기묘한 장치 |
For example
Moving a Ford engine into a Dodge truck is possible with a few adjustments. You'd have to make some changes to the fuel intake valves and adapt the exhaust outlets to the Dodge's frame.
- intake : 흡입구
- exhaust : 배기장치; 배출하다; 다 써버리다
- frame : 뼈대, 구조
2. allot => al(to : ~에게) + lot(lot : 몫) => ~에게 몫을 나눠주다 => 할당하다, 분배하다
(syn) allocate, earmark, designate, apportion, assign, distribute, parcel out
allot 할당하다 | allotment 할당 | lot 몫, 운명 |
lottery 복권 |
For example
We've set aside a trust fund of $45,000 for our children's education. We'd budget even more if we could, but for now it's all we can afford to allot.
- trust fund : 신탁 자금
- for now : 지금으로서는
- can afford to~ : ~할 여유가 있다
3. annul => an(to : ~로) + n(not : 없다) + ul => 없는 것으로 하다 => 취소하다
(syn) invalidate, nullify, cancel, repeal, abrogate, negate, void, rescind, overrule
annul 취소하다 | annulment 취소 | nullify 무효로 하다 |
neutral 중립의, 중립국 | neutralize 중립시키다 | neutrality 중립상태, 중립성 |
neutron 중성자 | nihilism 허무주의 | |
nescience 무지 | naught / nought 무(無) | neuter 중성의, 중성 |
For example
By giving our technology to your sister company, you have invalidated our contract. We will ask the court to annul it officially next month, but as far as we are concerned, it is no longer in effect as of today.
- by ~ing : ~함으로써
- as far as we are concerned : 우리가 알고 있는 한, 우리에 관한 한
- as of : 현재로
4. apparition => ap(intensive : 확~) + par(appear : 드러내 보이다) + ition => 모습을 확 드러내 보이다 => 유령
(syn) spector, phantom, ghost, spirit
appear 드러나다 | appearance 용모, 생김새 | apparent 명백한 |
disappear 사라지다 | transparent 투명한 | apparition 유령 |
For example
Charles Dickens' character, Mr. Scrooge, was actually visited by four ghostly beings. Before the spirits of time appeared, he talked with the apparition of his former business partner.
*. appear - apparent - transparent
5. appease => ap(to : ~쪽으로) + peas(peace : 평화) + e => 평화로운 쪽으로 보내다 => 달래다
(syn) placate, pacify, mollify, calm, soothe, propitiate, concilliate, relieve, assuage
appease 달래다 | appeasement 유화, 회유 | |
pacify 평화롭게 하다 | pacification 화해, 평정 | pacific 평화로운 |
pacifist 평화주의자 |
For example
Before taking office, a meeting with big business could help ease matters with them. Anything you can do to make them happier now would be good. Once you're in, it will be harder to appease them.
- take office : 취임하다
- ease : 완화하다, (마음을)편하게 하다
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