1. applicable => ap(to : 가까이에(근접)) + plic(fold : 접다) + able => 가까이에 접어 놓을 수 있는 => 적용할 수 있는, 적절한
syn) relevant, pertinent
For example
It's a great report and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it, but I can't see the connection between this stuff on page 32 and the rest of the report. Are you sure it's applicable?
- tell : 분간하다, 식별하다
- stuff : (불가산ⓝ) 재료, 자료; 소질, 재능; 물건
2. apprehensive => ap(to : 근접성) + prehens(take : 손으로 쥐다) + ive => 가까이에 잡아두다 => 걱정하는, 이해하는
syn) anxious, fearful, nervous, afraid, suspicious, uneasy, alarmed, on edge, jumpy
apprehend (핵심을) 이해, 염려하다 | apprehension 염려, 이해 | apprehensive 걱정하는, 이해하는 |
comprehend (전체적으로) 이해하다 | comprehension 이해(력) | comprehensive 포괄적인 |
reprehend 비난하다 | misapprehend 오해하다 | |
reprieve 집행유예, 일시 유예하다 | ||
prehensile 쥐기에 알맞은, 힘이 약한 | apprentice 도제, 견습 | entrepreneur 기업가, 사업주 |
impregnable 난공불락의 | (↔ journyman) |
For example
Go ahead and buy it if you really want to, but I'm telling you I really don't like the sound of that deal. If I were you, I would be apprehensive about buying Iand in Africa that I've never seen.
- go ahead : 자 가거라; 먼저 드시오(가시오); 좋아, 하시오; 말씀하세요
- sound : 인상, 느낌
3. ascertain => as(to : ~에게) + certain(sure : 확실한, 어떤) => ~에게 확실하게 하다 => 확인하다
syn) determine, discover, learn, find out, establish, tell, certify, verify, assess
ascertain 확인하다 | certitude / certainty 확실(성) | certify 확인하다 |
certified 증명된, 공인된 | certifiable 증명할 수 있는 | certification 증명서 |
For example
If you really want to ascertain whether I can paint your portrait, why don't you come and see for yourself the work I've done for others? That way you can remove all doubt.
- portrait : 초상화
cf). CPA(Certified Public Accountant)
4. assent => as(to : ~에게) + sent(feel : 감정을 느끼다) => ~에게 감정을 느끼다 => 동의하다
syn) agree, concur, consent, give in, go along, yield, concede, comply, accede
ant) dissent, disagree, disapprove, oppose, protest
ant) dissent, disagree, disapprove, oppose, protest
assent 동의, 찬성, 승낙하다 | ||
consent 동의, 동의하다 | consensus 일치, 여론 | |
dissent 의견을 달리하다 | dissension 의견차이, 불화 | |
resent 분개하다 | resentment 분개, 원한 | presentiment 예감 |
sense 감각 | senseless 무분별한 | |
(in)sensible 분별있(없)는 | (in)sensitive 민(둔)감한 | |
sensory 감각의 | sensual 관능의 | |
sensational 선풍적인 | sentient 감각이 있는 | sensuous 예민한 |
sentimental 감정적인 | sentence 판결, 판결을 내리다 | sententious 현명한, ~체하는 |
sentry / sentinel 보초 |
For example
You'll get nowhere without Mr. Green's stample of approval. You had better talk with him and persuade him to accede. Nobody does anything in this town without Mr. Green's assent.
- perduade + O + toR~ : ~가 toR~ 하도록 설득하다
5. asset => as(to : ~에게) + set(enough : 충분하게) => ~에게 (돈이) 충분하게 있다 => 자산, 이점(=merit)
syn) mono> qualification, talent, gift, treasure, advantage, plus, resource => 이점
plural> property, wealth, effects, holdings, belongs, goods, possessions, funds=> 자산
plural> property, wealth, effects, holdings, belongs, goods, possessions, funds=> 자산
satisfy 만족시키다 | satisfaction 만족 | satisfactory 만족적인 |
saturate 포화시키다 | saturation 포화 | |
satiate 물리게 하다 | satiety 포만, 물림 | |
insatiable / insatiate 만족할 줄 모르 | 는, 탐욕스러운 |
For example
It is better to think of your personal peace and good health as your greatest assests rather than any material wealth.
- think of A as B~ : A를 B로 간주하다
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