1. adulterate => ad(to : 부과) + ulter(other : 다른 것) + ate(동사형 어미) => 다른 것을 부과하다, 첨가하다 => 불순하게 하다, 질을 나쁘게 하다
syn) debase, corrupt, degrade, worsen, pollute, spoil, contaminate, attenuate, water down, devalue, cheapen, depreciate
adulterate 불순하게 하다 | adultery 간통 | adulterous 부정한 |
alter 변경시키다 | alteration 변경 | altercation 논쟁, 말싸움 |
alternate 교대로하는(+복수ⓝ) | alternative 대안의 | altruism 이타주의 |
alturistic 이타주의의 |
For example
Ancient American Indians would cry if they could see the polluted rivers and lakes they once worshipped. With the Europeans came industrialization and the adulteration of the nature Indians so honored.
- With~ : 1형식 문장에서 문장이 부사어구로 시작하면 반드시 도치시킨다.
- worship : 숭배하다
- industrialization : 산업화
2. affiliate => af(to : 근접) + fil(son : 아들) + ate(동사형 어미) => 아들처럼 가깝게 지내다 => ~와 관계를 맺다, 양자로 삼다, 가입시키다
syn) associate, merge, combine, ally, syndicate, confederate, unite, connect
ant) break up, seperate, secede, split up, resign, quit, leave, retire, drop out
ant) break up, seperate, secede, split up, resign, quit, leave, retire, drop out
affilate 연관맺다 | affiliation 입회, 연합 | filial 자식의 | filicide 친자살해 |
filament 가는 실 | file 서류철 | filings 줄밥 | profile 인물 소개 |
filth 오물 | filthy 더러운 | defile 더럽히다 |
For example
How were we to know he had dealings with drug traffickers? He works here from 9 to 5. What he does and whom he affiliate with after work is none of our concern.
- trafficker : 불법 거래 상인, 소개업자
- concern : 영향을 미치다, 관여하다
3. alleviate => al(to : 방향성) + lev(light, lift : 가벼운,들어올리다) + iate => 가볍게 하다 => 고통, 괴로움 따위를 덜다, 완화하다(↔ aggravate)
syn) lighten, ease, mitigate, soften, relieve, lessen, allay, abate
elevate 들어올리다, 고양시키다 | elevation 고도, 고상함 | elevator 승강기 |
lever 지레 | leverage 지레의 작용, 영향력 | (ir)relevant (부)적절한 |
levitate 공중에 뜨다 | levitation 공중 부양 | levy 세금을 징수하다 |
alleviate 완화시키다 | relieve 경감하다 | levity 경박, 가벼움 |
For example
Until we find a full-time secretary, I sugget we hire a temporary to take the load off our poor Ms. Kwak. I'm afraid that if we don't alleviate her situation soon, she may quit too.
- full-time : 정규직의
- temporary : 임시직
4. allude => al(to : 방향성) + lud(laugh : 웃다) + e => ~보고 슬쩍 웃다 => ~을 넌지시 언급하다, 암시하다
syn) hint, imply, insinuate, intimate, suggest, refer to, indicate, speak of
allude 넌지시 언급하다 | allusion 암시, 언급 | |
collude 공모하다 | collusion 공모, 결탁 | |
delude 기만하다 | delusion 기만, 망상 | |
elude 교묘히 피하다 | elusive 회피하려는 | |
illusion 착각 | illusory 환영의 | ludicrous 우스꽝스러운 |
For example
He doesn't come right out and say it, but he's always dropping hints that if it weren't for his father's generosity, the school would fail. That's true, but by alluding to it so often, he makes it less worthy.
- generosity : 관대함
5. appall => ap(to : ~를) + pall(pale : 창백하게 하다) => ~를 창백하게 만들다 => 놀라게 하다
syn) shock, horrify, frighten,terrify, stun, alarm, dismay, startle, petrify, paralyze
appall 깜짝 놀라게 하다 | appalling 섬뜩한 | pallid 창백한 |
pollor 창백함 |
For example
Even hardened police veterans found the gruesome murder scene appalling. "It was pretty disturbing" said Sgt. Thomas, a man with twenty-two years of service.
- hardened : 냉담해진, 굳어진
- veteran : 베테랑, 경험이 많은 사람
- gruesome : 무시무시한, 소름끼치는
- disturbing : 마음을 동요시키는, 교란시키는
- Sgt(sergeant) : 경사
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