1. adept => ad(to : ~에) + ept(fit : 잘 맞는) => ~에 잘 맞는, 적격의 => 숙련된, 능숙한
syn) skillful, adroit
adapt 적응시키다 | adaptable 적당한 | adaptation 적응, 개작 |
adept 숙련된 | inapt / inept 서투른 | |
apt 적성이 맞는 | aptitude 적성 | contraption 기묘한 장치 |
For example
Charlie is probably the most competent lab assistant we have here. Not only is he adept in all of the standard blood tests, but he's also good at training new assistants.
- competent : 유능한
- not only + A(v + s~), but (also) B~ : A뿐만 아니라 B도~
- be good at~ : ~에 능숙한
2. adjourn => ad(to : ~로) + journ(day : 날짜) => 날짜를 ~로 옮기다, 바꾸다 => 연기하다, 중단하다
syn) put off, postpone, delay, defer, suspend, hold over, recess, procrastinate
journal 정기간행물 | journalism 신문 잡지계 | journalist 언론인 |
journey 긴 여행(trip 짧은 여행) | journeyman (수습을 마친) 숙련공 | sojourn 체재하다 |
For example
I don't know about you guys, but I'm hungry! Let's take a break for lunch. I suggest we adjourn this negotiation until two o'clock.
- negotiation : 협상
3. admonish => ad(to : ~에게) + mon(punish, advise : 벌주다, 충고하다) + ish => ~에게 충고하다 => 경고하다, 혼내다
syn) 1. scold, reprove, chastise, chide, reprimand, rebuke, censure, chew out
2. warn, caution, alert, forewarn, counsel, advise, apprise, make aware of, tip off
2. warn, caution, alert, forewarn, counsel, advise, apprise, make aware of, tip off
moniter 반장, 감시하다 | monument 기념비 | monumental 기념비적인 |
admonish 훈계하다 | admonition 훈계, 경고 | admonitory 훈계의 |
premonition 전조(=portent), 경고 | reminisce 회상하다 | reminiscence 회상, 추억 |
summon 소환하다 | summons 소환, 호출 / 소환하다 |
For example
The two boys didn't intend to hurt anyone, but still they need to be admonished for starting the fire. If I don't scold them, they might try it again. I'll have a few words with them tonight after dinner.
- intend to + R~ : ~할 작정이다, ~하려고 생각하다
4. advent => ad(to : ~로) + vent(come : 오다) => ~쪽으로 오다 => 도래, 출현; 최후 심판시의 예수 재림
syn) arrival, appearance, occurance, coming, onset, beginning
advent 도래, 출현 | adventitious 우연의, 외래의 | adventure 모험 |
circumvent 방해하다 | ||
event 사건, 행사 | eventful 파란 많은 | eventual 결과로서 일어나는 |
invent 발명하다 | inventive 창의력이 풍부한 | inventory 명세서, 목록 |
prevent 미리 막다 | preventive 예방의 | |
convene 소집하다 | convention 관습, 집회 | conventional 관습적인 |
conventionality 전통성 | ||
convinience 편리 | covenant 맹약 | |
contravene 위반하다 | contravention 위반 | |
intervene 간섭하다(=intercede) | intervention 간섭 | supervene 병발하다 |
venue 개최지 | revenue 세입(≒income) | parvenu 벼락부자 |
souvenir 기념품 | provenance 기원, 출처 | ventilation 통풍, 환기 |
For example
You can call these recent events the birth of true racial harmony? I'm sorry, but I don't see them as the beginning of anything but rather as isolated incidents of kindness, in no way marking the advent of any great social change.
- see : ~라고 생각하다
- isolated : 단절된, 격리된
- in no way : 결코 ~않다
- not A but B~ : A가 아니라 B
5. aggravate => ag(to : 부과) + grav(heavy : 무거운) + ate => 더 무겁게 하다 => 악화시키다(↔ alleviate)
syn) 1. worsen, exacerbate, intensify, exaggerate, heighten, emphasize, add to
2. annoy, provoke, irritate, vex, disturb, nag, pester
2. annoy, provoke, irritate, vex, disturb, nag, pester
gravity / gravitation 중력, 인력 | gravitate ~에 끌리다 | |
grave 무덤(≒ tomb 봉분) | grieve 슬퍼하다 | grivous 슬픈 |
grief 슬픔 | aggravate 악화시키다 | aggrieve 괴롭히다, (남을)슬프게하다 |
grievance 불평(=complaint) |
For example
The difficult task of removing the debris is aggravated by heavy furniture blocking the entrances, making it much more difficult to move about.
- debris : (파괴물의) 부스러기, 파편
'영어공부 > Vocabulary' 카테고리의 다른 글
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